
Founded in 2011, Healthy is the New Skinny (HNS)  began as an online blog and over the years has transformed into a clothing brand and social media campaign that promotes positive body image and lifestyles for women all over the world. HNS has been featured in a variety of publications including: The cover of Parents Magazine, Shape Magazine, People Magazine, and the New York Post. In addition, HNS has been heralded as one of the top social media pages to follow for body positivity according to MTV and Marie Claire.

Using Healthy is the New Skinny as her platform, Willcox speaks out against harmful advertising and encourages people all around the world to model healthy body image and self love by living an authentic healthy lifestyle. Through public speaking and her first book, Healthy is the New Skinny: Your Guide to Self-Love in a “Picture Perfect” World, Willcox aims to educate, inform, and empower girls and women to rise up against media manipulation by empowering them with the tools needed to choose health over the beauty ideal.

Willcox is also the founder of Natural Model Management, a thriving Los Angeles based modeling agency that encourages models to be at a natural and healthy weight. The fashion industry has a long way to go before women of all sizes are represented in the media. Furthermore, it may be a while until the models represented by Natural Models (who range from a size 6 to 16) are no longer categorized as “plus size models,” but instead are referred to as just “models.”  Until then, Natural Models will continue to create an environment unlike any other in the industry, focusing on model development as well as providing models with the tools needed to be successful business women.

Willcox has been able to accomplish some amazing feats in the world of business but her most recent chapter is motherhood.  The Willcox family welcomed their first child, True Willcox to the family in September, 2016 and together, Bradford and Katie are exploring what it means to be a conscious parent. The modern woman is not one-dimensional and Willcox is a living example of a woman creating a life without limitations and she is proof you can too!